Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Net Neutrality -- will Congress never learn?

The debate over proposed "Net neutrality" legislation is another example of a situation where Congress should sit on its backside and let market forces handle it. Will they never learn that they don't know how to regulate technology industries? Time after time, Congress enacts well-meaning legislation that ends up having unintended consequences, and a few years down the road, a whole series of "regulatory reform" negotiations have to take place, to undo the damage the original regulations did, and get back to letting the market operate.

In the case of "two-tiered" charges for Internet content, I say let providers charge higher rates for bandwidth hogs, if they want. If customers don't like it, there are a lot of ISPs out there, and people can switch.

Once again, Congress, don't touch it -- you'll just break it.

Urb's Blog


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