Saturday, May 20, 2006

Internship in progress!

I have begun my accounting internship at a small law firm in Flagstaff. Why an accounting internship at a law firm?, I hear you asking. Well, it turns out that there's a lot of number-crunching to be done there, as in any corporation. This was my first week on the job, and I jumped right in, doing some bank reconciliations and getting up to speed on the software they use to track... pretty much whatever goes on in the business, both in terms of practice and on the accounting end.

On Thursday, grades were posted for spring classes, and I am happy to report that I made it through the semester with an A and two Bs -- the latter included Accounting 455, which regular readers will recall had caused me no end of travail through the '05-06 academic year. In any case, it's over and done with, as are all the other requirements for my degree except the internship and my "capstone" strategic management class, which will run from June 5th until July 3rd.

Urb's Blog


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