Sunday, May 14, 2006

Onward and upward!

(Note: My regular blog is not working for the time being, because the Web hosting provider changed the name of a server without telling us, thereby breaking some scripts that we can't figure out how to fix for the time being. Until we get that sorted out, I'm using this space... ed.)

I am happy to report that the spring semester has finally come to a close, and that I survived intact. My rematch with Accounting 455 ("Live from Caesar's Palace, it's Kafalas-Wilburn II: This Time, We're Serious. $39.95 ONLY ON DIRECTV PAY-PER-VIEW!) turned out to be a success in the end, as I managed a B -- and I've never been so proud of a B in my academic life!

So that's done. All that's left is a summer "capstone" business-management class and a tax internship at a local law firm, and it'll be time to tune up the orchestra for Pomp & Circumstance March #2. Well, metaphorically at least -- NAU doesn't do anything in the way of ceremony for students who graduate in the summer. Or, that is, they do -- but what they do is let you put on the cap 'n gown and walk in the spring commencement exercises, which were held this weekend. Maybe I'm getting superstitious in my old age, but I felt it would be bad luck to commence before I was actually finished with the degree, so I passed on the spring exercises.

But in any case, we're getting close to the ultimate finish line, as far as NAU business school is concerned.


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